that would allow it's members to be able to earn points by posting reviews and/or pictures of their favorite leisure places to visit. That would be local restaurants, bars & clubs, movie theatres, parks & camping grounds, hotels, vacation spots, shopping or spa experiences and any other leisure spot they may think of. After accumulating a certain amount of points they may be exchanged to acquire Locality (LOCAL) tokens.
Location owners will be able to add/claim their business to update their location information and answer reviews officially. Owners may algo get access to premium features that will allow the enhancement of their location listing.
The whitepaper will include the information on how all this will work, specially the points system in which other users will have to "Second the motion" to filter posts, reviews, pictures, etc. off before they are made public. Meaning that users will be the auditors.
We currently have a simple mapping with discovery mode and search with auto complete. The database has 840,000 pre-loaded locations, we intent to preload more(specially attractions) before full release.
Website Status: Mapping > Search > Features > UI/UX Design
API Status: Engineer > Endpoint > Testing > re-Code
Liquidity on this pool has been moved to the Azbit Exchange. Will be concentrating on one exchange. You may add your own liquidity to SunSwap (JustSwap), click below link.
SunSwap (LOCAL/TRX) PairLocality (LOCAL) token has been listed on the AzBit Exchange. You may follow the link below to start acquiring Locality tokens and help support us.
Because Locality has been set to a limit of 31.1 Billion, in the long run there will be buy backs so that we can keep supporting our points system and that will secure the liquidity of the token.
Any locality or website around the world may opt-in to accept the Locality (LOCAL) token for redemption to be used towards leisure, shopping, events, and even services.
We have compiled a TRC-20 token contract called Locality with the symbol: LOCAL, on the Tron Network. This token will be used as a swap option for points earned on our platform by future users.
View contract on TronScan